About Rotary Club of Hunters Hill

Rotary is a force of 1.4 million members across 200 countries. We are a global humanitarian organisation as well as the local service club, both at the same time. In fact, the Magic of Rotary, our theme for this year, finds its root in this ability to work across local as well as global issues. 
  • Rotary is non-political and non-religious. We are volunteers who give time, talent, and treasure towards the causes we support. Globally that can be any one of the 7 areas of focus like water and sanitation, education, and disease prevention. Our largest global program is aimed at eradicating polio from the world and is delivered in conjunction with the World Health Organisation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and governments around the globe.  
  • Locally in Sydney and Australia we tend to focus on youth development, community cohesion, support in the aftermath of a crisis, protecting the environment, and helping communities tackle issues like domestic violence, homelessness, and mental health. 
  • Our work is done by volunteer members in Rotary clubs, and the clubs are organised into districts. This club is part of a district with 64 clubs and 1500 members, across the Blue Mountains to the Central Coast, and everything north of the Parramatta River. The district team supports the clubs in lifting the scale and impact of their local projects, connecting to Rotary resources beyond the club, and connecting into global humanitarian projects. 
  • Rotary International also runs an in-house charity (“The Rotary Foundation”) that is supported by members and non-members alike. It has been repeatedly recognised by charity rating agencies as being world-leading in the effectiveness and efficiency in the use of funds. 
  • Rotary is changing. Our objective and values remain the same, but our methods have changed and will continue to evolve. What you might have known about our methods from 5 or 10 years ago is not valid today, and what you see today may yet change again over the coming years. 
  • We welcome offers of volunteering without requiring you to join as members. As a non-member volunteer, you are still part of the movement, and still part of the fellowship. As members however, the resources and networks of Rotary become available to you. That helps create more impact for the same effort or time that you put in.
  • So set aside any prior experience about what we do, how we do it, and in fact who we are and who can join. We are an open and transparent organisation. To quote from our current President of Rotary International, Stephanie Urchick, “If you have the heart and the hands for service, there is a place waiting for you in Rotary”.